
How to Prevent Gum Disease

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Gum disease is amongst the most common complaints patients have when they come for a consultation at a dental clinic. It is a condition that can lead to swollen, sore, or infected gums, which in turn causes a lot of pain and discomfort. Besides, gum disease can favour the appearance of gingivitis and periodontitis. Thus, the question that remains unanswered is how to prevent gum disease and keep up your oral health. Let’s see up next what dental clinic specialists advise.

What is Gum Disease? 

Gum illness happens when plaque builds up under and along the gum line. And plaque is rich in bacteria, which encourages infections to spread all over the gums. Besides, it can be a triggering factor for gingivitis, the primary phase of gum disease. Also, if left untreated, this can lead to periodontitis, a severe oral health problem that can damage your gum, teeth, and bones.

The leading signs that tell you might have gum disease are:

  • Bad breath;
  • Issues with permanent teeth, including separation or notable looseness;
  • Bleeding, swollen or gums;
  • Gums that retracted from your teeth.

If you have one or more of these signs, it is best to book an appointment at your dental clinic for further investigations. This is a preventable and reversible oral health issue that can be managed with the help of your dentist.

Here are 5 tips to prevent gum disease:

1. Floss

Studies show that flossing daily can significantly decrease the amount of plaque build-up or food residue. So, if you want to prevent gum disease, you should include flossing in your daily routine.

2. Professional cleanings

Experts recommend that it is best to go to your dental clinic at least twice per year. In this way, a dentist can observe and discover the early signs of gum disease, which can prevent severe health problems. Also, it is highly recommended to go for regular professional cleaning to remove tartar. Simply put: if you have or you are predisposed to gum disease, you should focus on brushing your teeth twice a day, floss at least once per day, and commit to regular dentist visits for professional cleaning.

3. Quit smoking

Alcohol and cigarettes can worsen gum disease symptoms and cause additional damage to your teeth. Nicotine weakens the immune system, which impedes the natural process of bacteria-fighting in your mouth. As a consequence, gum infection is more frequent amongst smokers, than it is the case with non-smokers.

4. Use fluoride

Nowadays, it is a bit challenging to identify the perfect toothpaste. Specialists recommend to focus on pastes rich in fluoride and concentrate less on highly promoted brands that affirm they diminish gingivitis or whiten teeth. In this way, you will help your teeth overcome gum disease symptoms and prevent additional tartar and plaque build-up.

5. Use mouthwash

If you ask any dental clinic professional about gum disease, he or she will recommend adding to your daily routine a therapeutic mouthwash. This can diminish plaque and act as a great ally in reducing and preventing gingivitis.

The bottom line is that a correct oral health routine can save you a lot of health problems. Brushing, flossing, and going to regular check-ups at your dental clinic can diminish the chances for you to experience gum problems.