
What Is Frozen Shoulder And How Can A Physiotherapist Help You

If you’re unable to move your arm in different directions or lift it above your head, you might have a condition called adhesive capsulitis. More commonly known as frozen shoulder, this immobilisation in your arm can be treated by an expert in physiotherapy Medway.

The Different Phases of a Frozen Shoulder

Though there’s no obvious cause in some cases, a frozen shoulder can happen if you’ve undergone a shoulder surgery or an open-heart surgery. It can also affect someone who’s had an arm injury and has worn a sling for a certain period of time.

The immobilisation brought about by this condition is first caused by pain, then stiffness. Here are the different phases a patient can encounter:

Pain phase. In this stage, many patients state that there’s almost no position where their arm doesn’t feel pain. Because of severe pain, everyday activities — even sleeping — will be hard to accomplish.

Stiffening phase. Experts in physiotherapy Medway note that it is in this phase where the capsule (or the covering around the shoulder joint) starts to get stuck to the bone.

Frozen phase. Once the capsule completely gets stuck to the bone, the stiffness that patients feel will hinder them from moving their shoulder. Most cases of a frozen shoulder are discovered during this stage.

Thawing phase. Also called the resolution stage, this is the phase wherein the capsule starts to loosen and the patient finally becomes able to move his or her shoulder gradually until it is fully recovered.

Diagnosing and Treating a Frozen Shoulder

Experts in physiotherapy Medway estimate that from the initial to the final phase of this condition, a patient can completely recover within two to three years. Here’s how medical professionals in this field can help.

Diagnosis. Physiotherapists diagnose thai condition by performing a thorough evaluation and learning about the patient’s health history in order to rule out other possible diseases. During the assessment, your range of motion called capsular pattern will be examined.

Modalities. Once diagnosed, you will be getting a personalised plan as to how your condition will be treated. Part of treating a frozen shoulder is by using head and ice treatments in order to relieve the pain and help your muscles relax.

Pain medication. When modalities aren’t enough to reduce the pain, your physiotherapist may also provide pain medication in the form of injections. Take note, however, that such anti-inflammatory medications only provide a short-term effect.

Exercises and stretching techniques. To help regain your range of motion, a physiotherapist will recommend and instruct you on how you should exercise. He or she will also employ manual therapy techniques to aid in your journey of reducing your loss of motion. As you start to heal, more intensive stretching techniques will be introduced to foster mobility and flexibility.

Strength training. When you start regaining shoulder movement, more strengthening exercises will be introduced. These exercises don’t only focus on the shoulder area but on core muscles as well. This strength training will help you return to your previous routine and even assist you in performing recreational tasks.

If you need the help of a physiotherapy Medway to get back to your best form or to address injuries, schedule an appointment with the HTC staff today. Contact us for more information.