Your sperm count has a direct bearing on whether your partner can conceive a baby or not. We present tips on increasing it.
You and your partner have recently undergone a few tests after trying to get pregnant for a while. The test results show a low sperm count – this can affect chances of pregnancy. Your primary focus now is to increase your sperm count.
Consider how to increase sperm count using these tips:
- Have sex more often. Most men battling fertility issues are taken aback when they learn that having more sex may actually have a link with increasing sperm count. Though it seems baffling, the fact is that discharging more semen with every sexual encounter encourages the body to produce more semen. Helped along by medication, diet and exercise, the male reproductive system soon ‘resets’ itself to produce better and more sperm.
- Exercise regularly. Exercise not just makes you look better, it also increases sperm motility and improves sperm quality. Moderate exercise has been linked with increased flow of oxygenated blood to all the vital organs of the body, including the testicles and penis. About one hour of cardio and/or strength training about four times a week keeps your weight in check, and also increases sperm count over time (in conjunction with a healthy diet).
- Increase zinc, and Vitamins C and D intake. What you eat has a direct effect on how your body functions. Your diet can either make you unhealthy, or increase your fitness levels by improving metabolism, digestive and circulatory functions, and overall longevity. There is a lot of scientific evidence to show that a diet rich in zinc and Vitamins C and D is apt for those looking for answers on how to increase sperm count. Zinc can be derived from food sources like shellfish, red meat, eggs and chicken. Meanwhile, Vitamin C is available in citric fruit and certain vegetables, while Vitamin D is freely available with exposure to early morning sunlight, as well as supplements to increase testosterone levels.
- Reduce stress to improve sperm motility and quality. Stress is directly linked to reduced libido and poor quality sperm, as well as lower motility. Though you cannot eliminate stress entirely from your life, you can minimise its intensity and effects on your body. Try meditation, or listening to soothing music, or just going for a walk after lunch to detach from stress for a few minutes at a time. Over time, you will learn to control your anxiety and stress levels, and your sperm count will also increase.
- Get more sleep. Poor sleep and less hours of rest are also linked to poor reproductive health. Try to increase your hours of sleep, and detach from all digital devices at least one hour before you hit the sack. Have a warm water bath and a cup of milk before going to bed – both are known to induce sleepiness. Reading or listening to soft music just before you sleep also help.